
We are a Verein and our current constitution can be accessed here. At the moment, only board members are active members – but anyone can become a patron member!

Wir sind ein Verein und du findest unsere aktuellen Statuten hier. Für den Moment sind nur Vorstandsmitglieder Aktivmitglieder. Alle können aber Gönnermitglieder werden.

Become a Patron Member

We appreciate everyone talking about or coming to our events regularly, buying a ticket in advance or at the door on the night and participating/featuring actively during our events – we love you so much for it!!! If you would like to help us serve the musical theatre community even more, become a patron member of Musical Lovers! With a minimum contribution of 100CHF, you can become a Patron of Musical Lovers and you will also be invited to our season-opening Launch Apéro on September 30th, featuring a meet-and-greet with the special guests. Thank you so much for your support in whatever form, and for being such an integral part of the Musical Lovers community!”

We’ll not only add you to our newsletter mailings so you’ll always be the first to know about our exciting upcoming activities,  but we’ll also invite you to our exclusive Launch Apéro at the top of our next season in Autumn 2024 to celebrate our Verein! 

Wir tragen dich in unsere NewsletterMailings ein, so dass du immer top informiert bist und du bist dann herzlich eingeladen zu unserem exklusiven Launch Apero zum Start der neuen Saison unserer Open Mics im Hersbt 2024 um auf den neuen Verein anzustossen!

Becoming a Patron is easy!

Just fill in the form below and transfer your desired amount via TWINT or bank transfer (scan the respective QR-Code) – make sure to add your name and the payment reference “Musical Lovers Gönner”. Thank you so much for your support in whatever form, and for being such an integral part of the Musical Lovers community!” Fülle das Formular untenstehendes Formular aus und du wirst umgehend alle nötig Informationen erhalten. Vielen Dank schon jetzt für die Unterstützung!